The main goal of this training is to become a better Java programmer and a true master of the Java Programming Language, to truly understand threading, Java NIO, to understand the intricacies of Java memory model to improve the performance of your Java application.
- Annotations and Reflection API, Scripting API, Compiler API
- Collections: Quick summary, Performance, Java Puzzlers on collections, Best Practices
- XML Processing: XML and XSD, JAXP (SAX, DOM, StAX), JAXB, XSL, XPath, XQuery
- RMI and Distributed Programming
- JMX and Programming MBeans
- Threads and Concurrent Programming: Quick summary, Callable, Future, FutureTask, Executors, Synchronizers
- Database Programming: JDBC, JPA, JTA
- NIO and NIO2
- Networking (Non-Blocking Sockets, Selector)
- Security: Digital Signatures, Message Digests, Symmetric/Asymmetric Ciphers
- New Features in Java 8-15