Buraya Slogan Gelecektir

Buraya Slogan Gelecektir

Buraya Slogan Gelecektir

Buraya Slogan Gelecektir

Buraya Slogan Gelecektir
Metod IT, dat in 2003 begon met het verlenen van services onder de naam Metod Bilisim Hizmetleri, is een onderneming die technologische oplossingen aanbiedt door hoogwaardige services te verlenen zodat instanties hun voornaamste eigendommen, namelijk hun gegevens, kunnen beveiligen, behoeden, analyseren en deze kunnen omzetten tot waardevolle informatie.
De onderneming continueert om technologische trainingen voort te zetten met een formidabel gekwalificeerd team, dat de steeds veranderende technologie nauwlettend volgt en dat zichzelf continu perfectioneert en vernieuwt. Ons bedrijf is het enige Bevoegde Oracle Trainingscentrum in Turkije dat beschikt over een docent met een OCM (Oracle Certified Master) certificaat.
Deze kwestie wordt benadrukt door “particuliere workshops met Cem Zorba te organiseren die gericht zijn op het OCM-certificaat”, zodat meer personen in ons land het OCM-certificaat kunnen verkrijgen; iets waarover slechts een beperkt aantal mensen ter wereld beschikken.
Buraya Slogan Gelecektir
Buraya Slogan Gelecektir
Buraya Slogan Gelecektir
Buraya Slogan Gelecektir
Buraya Slogan Gelecektir
Türkiye’deki dinamik genç nüfusu bilgi teknolojilerine yönlendirmek, eğitmek ve ülkemizden dünyaca tanınan yeni bilişim markalarının çıkmasına katkıda bulunmak.
20 yılın üzerindeki saha tecrübemizi eğitim ve danışmanlık hizmetlerimiz ile bireylere ve kurumlara en verimli şekilde aktarmak, bilişim üretkenliğini artırmak.
Uluslararası eğitim ve danışmanlık faaliyetlerinde bulunarak Türkiye’yi bilişim teknolojilerinde dünyanın tercih ettiği bir numaralı ülke haline getirerek sektöre liderlik etmek.
The Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data (“Law”) entered into force by being published in the Official Gazette on 07/04/2016.
As Method IT ("Company") established in Turkey; In the capacity of data controller, your personal data we obtain in the following ways is within the scope of our commercial relations or within our business relationship with you; that personal data will be recorded, stored, preserved, rearranged, and shared with institutions that are legally authorized to request such personal data, within the framework of the purpose requiring their processing and in connection with this purpose, in a limited and measured manner, by preserving the accuracy and the most up-to-date version of the personal data you have notified or notified to us. and under the conditions stipulated by the Law, it can be transferred to third parties, transferred, classified and processed in other ways listed in the Law.
Your personal data may be processed by the Company, in the capacity of data controller, in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (“Law”) within the scope described below.
First of all, we would like to inform you that we act with the utmost care and care for the processing and protection of your personal data within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law.
Within the scope of the law, personal data refers to any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. Your personal data collected and processed by our Company within the scope of the Law are processed in accordance with the basic principles stipulated in the Law and within the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the Law.
Accordingly, the reasons for the processing of your personal data are to purchase and/or sell any goods or services from our company and/or to fulfill the contracts concluded between you and the company for other reasons, to comply with the information storage, reporting and disclosure obligations stipulated by public institutions and administrative units, To be able to offer our products and / or services, to get to know our customers and to increase the quality of communication / service within the information you have given your consent to process, to ensure the availability of the right product, to continue the commercial relationship, to increase the statistical information or the quality of service we offer to our customers, to offer campaigns and up-to-date product information, to promote such as marketing and communication purposes.
Within the scope of the above purposes, the personal data of data owners who do not benefit from the products and services offered by our Company, but may benefit in the future, may be processed for the purposes of tracking contacts with customers, opening potential customer records, measuring employee performance, and planning product and service sales processes.
In any case, all your data that you may provide to our Company due to the contractual relationship or in accordance with the situations specified in the legislation is processed only in accordance with the relevant legislation and/or the scope of your consent for the collection of your data.
The Company attaches great importance to ensuring the confidentiality of customer information, ensuring that its employees comply with this confidentiality, and sharing information with third parties within the limits permitted by the Law.
Your personal data may be transferred to official authorities, domestic real and/or legal persons under the conditions and conditions determined by the Law.
Your personal data is transferred by our company to legal and/or real persons such as cargo-transport companies, supplier companies, for the purpose of providing products and services and after-sales follow-up, limited to these purposes.
Your personal data that you share due to the field of activity of our company are shared with public institutions and organizations such as the relevant Ministries and District Governorship.
However, due to and limited to our legal obligations, personal data is shared with courts and other public institutions. In addition, personal data is transferred to contracted third parties in order to provide the services we undertake and to control the quality of the services provided. Necessary technical and legal measures are taken to prevent violations of rights during data transfer to third parties.
Contracts and printed forms, within the scope of the purposes listed above and in the physical environment, by the Company; in electronic environment, tracking technologies such as e-mail, telephone, SMS, corporate websites, membership creation forms, cookies and pixels, marketing automation, e-mail sending platform, mobile applications, call centers, organization-fair events, complaint management systems, will be collected through video and audio recording systems, market research companies and reference methods. Your collected personal data can be processed and transferred for the purposes specified in this Clarification Text within the scope of the personal data processing conditions, if it is mandatory for the express consent specified in Article 5 of the Law, the establishment and performance of the contract, the fulfillment of our legal obligations and the attainment of legitimate interests.
As a personal data owner, we declare that you have the following rights in accordance with Article 11 of the Law:
· Learning whether your personal data is processed or not,
· If your personal data has been processed, requesting information about it,
· To learn the purpose of processing your personal data and whether they are used in accordance with the purpose,
· Knowing the third parties to whom your personal data is transferred in the country,
· Requesting correction of your personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing and requesting notification of the transaction made within this scope to the third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred,
· Requesting the deletion or destruction of personal data in the event that the reasons requiring its processing cease to exist despite the fact that it has been processed in accordance with the Law and other relevant law provisions, and requesting the notification of the transaction made within this scope to the third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred,
· Objecting to this if a result arises against you by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems,
· To request the compensation of the damage in case you suffer damage due to the unlawful processing of your personal data.
Pursuant to the first paragraph of Article 13 of the Law; Applications to be made to our Company in the capacity of data controller regarding these rights must be submitted to us in writing or in line with the "Communiqué on Procedures and Principles for Application to Data Controllers" published in the Official Gazette by the Personal Data Protection Board ("Board"). In the Communiqué, it is stated that the persons concerned can benefit from this right provided that they make their applications in Turkish, and the applications must be made in Turkish.
In this context, the applications to be made to the Company in writing, by taking the printout of the "Application Form" attached to this Clarification Text;
· With the personal application of the Applicant,
· through a notary,
· It can be forwarded to us by being signed by the Applicant with the "secure electronic signature" defined in the Electronic Signature Law No. 5070 and sent to the e-mail address of _______@hs01.kep.tr registered in the name of the Company. Below, information regarding how written applications will be delivered to us, specific to the written application channels, is given.
Application Method | Address to apply | Information to be Specified in the Application Submission |
Personal application (Applicant comes in person and applies with a document proving her/his identity) | __________________ | "Information Request Under the Law on Protection of Personal Data" will be written on the envelope. |
Application with notification through a notary public | ___________________ | “Information Request Under the Law on Protection of Personal Data” will be written in the notification envelope. |
Application via Registered Electronic Mail (KEP) by signing with a "secure electronic signature" | ________________@hs01.kep.tr | "Personal Data Protection Law Information Request" will be written in the subject part of the e-mail. |
Your applications submitted to us will be answered within thirty days from the date your request reaches us, in accordance with the second paragraph of Article 13 of the Law, depending on the nature of the request. Our answers will be delivered to you in writing or electronically in accordance with the provisions of Article 13 of the relevant KVK Law. As per the Communiqué, if your application is answered in writing, no fee will be charged for up to ten pages, and a processing fee of 1.00-TL will be charged for each page above ten pages. If the answer to the application is given in a recording medium such as CD or flash memory, no fee will be charged.
You can reach us at any time via our e-mail address (info@metod.com.tr) and/or our call centers at 0216 629 01 43 for any questions and comments regarding your personal data.
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